Meet the Keep Dropship. One of the largest dropships available for printing, the Keep is the absolute greatest design released by Cross Electric Designs. Measuring in at over 12 ½” in diameter when printed at full scale, the Keep is a monster fit for any battlefield. Designed to be printed using only a single small format printer (Ender 3 sized, 220x220mm bed) and a small resin printer (Elegoo Mars size), the Keep will be easy to print for any one looking to get a big dropship on the battlefield. And for those who want a smaller version, those with a large format resin printer will be able to print a smaller, Hex-Scale version of the dropship.
Also built in to this dropship is an optional dice roller! Remove the top plug to reveal a dice slot and install the door with ramp into the proper spot at the bottom of the Dropship and you have a functional dice tower! By printing the Dice_Third pieces in place of one engine piece and one body piece, the dice roller version is a fantastic addition to any tabletop.
Beta versions of the assembly instructions are available here and will be continually updated until complete!